Interested in joining our team?

Undergraduate Students – We have an opening for a part-time (paid or independent study) or full-time co-op student ($16.50-17.50/hour) to work on a project related to endothelial tissue barrier models. Please contact Professor Gaborski and explain how this project relates to your interests and background (education, training, experiences, etc.).

Graduate Students – We accept Ph.D. students through the Biomedical and Chemical Engineering as well as Microsystems Engineering programs (deadline December 15). We also accept students interested in the Materials Science M.S. program. We have an opening for a graduate student to work on a project related to engineering physiologically relevant tissue barrier models. Please contact Professor Gaborski and explain how this project relates to your interests and background (education, training, experiences, etc.).

Incoming Ph.D students receive a $34,500 stipend, full tuition waiver, and health insurance. Students who have passed the candidacy exam receive a higher stipend.

Postdoctoral Researchers – We do not have any openings at this time.


NanoBio Materials Laboratory

We are located on the top floor of Institute Hall, home of the Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Departments.



Rochester Institute of Technology

Biomedical Engineering

Rochester, New York